An important thing to consider when planning for a garden rubbish disposal service is the size and quantity of the garden rubbish bags you will need. Obviously, you’ll need to consider the size of your garden and the quantity of plants that you have. For initial cleaning tasks, like when you move into a new home or want to renovate your garden, you‘ll most likely need more space to store the rubbish.
Garden rubbish bags can hold 1 cubic meter of rubbish. This is roughly the size of a moving box, and is the exact size for a garden wheelie bin. While this may already be sufficient for a regular sized garden, you may need more bags or bins if you have gardens that are rather large or have trees with frequently falling leaves. If you have a rather large area with grass and you mow it on a regular basis, then you will likely need the service of a regular garden rubbish bag pick-up and delivery service.
Garden Bags Brisbane’s garden rubbish bags only come in one size and that’s the 1 cubic meter size. The company also collects the bags every four or eight weeks, so if you do gardening frequently and you tend to end up with a lot of garden rubbish each time, then consider ordering more bags so you won’t run out of space.
An added advantage to of our rubbish bags is that they are durable and are specifically designed to hold garden rubbish. They are not easily damaged and can be sanitized after every use. Unlike multipurpose rubbish bags, Garden Bags Brisbane supplies rubbish bags that are environment friendly. Hire services for Gold Coast or Brisbane today or call 07 0343 3030.